Talking Tai Chi With The Teapotmonk

What Happens in a Tai Chi Class?



Welcome to this weeks episode where we ask the simple, but surprisingly complex question... Q2. What happens in a Tai Chi Class? A. Well, The short answer is that in a class of Tai Chi, you learn tai chi. The content of that learning experience however can vary from school to school, from teacher to teacher so much, that books and web sites and DVD's recommending one version over another, one style over another don't help an awful deal. What really helps is not how much you know about tai chi, but how much you know about yourself Let me explain that a little. What one person sees as soft, another sees as hard. What one sees as slow, another sees as fast. My dog can run pretty fast. But put against a greyhound and he looks like a tortoise. We think of a tortoise as a slow mover, but put one against a snail and youve got one speedy shelled creature - and so it goes on. I have been to beginners classes that have had an inordinately complex structure. (for me) but for the teacher they have epitomized si