

Jonathan I. Cloud speaks on "Good Maladjustment: Interpreting Misbehavior in Light of Brain Development" at the LPSCC What Works Conference. Mr. Cloud has over twenty-five years of experience in child, youth, and family case management, program administration, and program development. He is a Trainer and Strategic Consultant for the Office of Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention's (OJJDP) Title V Juvenile Delinquency Prevention training and technical assistance, OJJDP's Project Safe Neighborhoods and Weed & Seed Initiatives, and for OJJDP's national demonstration project on the commercial sexual exploitation of children. Jonathan is the author of Parenting the Guardian Class: Validating Spirited Youth, Ending Adolescence, and Renewing America's Greatness, which calls for empowering youth rather than controlling them. He has BA degrees in Religion and Psychology, and completed graduate studies in Public Administration and Social Work.