They Create Worlds

Microprose Part 1



TCW Podcast Episode 192 -Microprose Part 1   In the first part of our look at Microprose, we cover the central characters of Wild Bill Stealey and Sid Meier. The duo came from very different backgrounds that helped inform the creative and business powerhouse. Wild Bill had to grow up at a young age after his father's death. This led to him having to manage the home finances, negotiate out of debt, and learn many of the skills that would help him in his military, and business careers. We have covered some of Sid's history in episode 50, but we have a lot of new information with additional research and Sid's autobiography. We cover Microprose's founding with a bet between the two at a convention in Los Vegas, and Wild Bill pushing to have his dream of playing a video game able to realistically represent what it was like to fly a jet fighter.   TCW 050 - Civilizing Sid Meier: War Games Ending: Formula 1 Racing