Beyond Black And White Talk

QOTW: Clueless Black Woman in Miami Ready to Swirl!



QOTW 40 and ready to mingle in Miami Letter Hello Christelyn Karazi, I am a 40 year old single mom ready to mingle ( son went to college ). I have not dated in years ( literally at least 8 years!!!) I ran across your blog and youtube. I am sooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo happy you have not gone away. I need HELP. I live in Miami and am soooooooooooooooooo scared to attempt to date outside my "race". (not sure is that was proper term but)-- again I am soooo glad you are not gone. Do you have any recommended youtube advice already posted. I am sssssooooooooo tired of worried about what my family will say!!! I am 40!! As I look at other interracial relationships thriving and happy I think to myself....what in the hell am I waiting for? Well truth is im scared as hell and don't know where to begin. I love your blog!!! (is it called a blog? -- well I love what you do!!) Kudos to you!! Respectfully ...