Film Don't Hurt




So why are we doing a James Bond-centric episode a year after Skyfall and probably a good two years before the next entry in the series? Well, mostly because we can. But also because this is a "Dylan" episode and because I've been watching them, in order. So I got a bug up my ass to talk to Kai about the series. And so we did. We go through our histories with the series, overall impressions, what's next, why it's so damn popular, and much more. This and much more coupled with Dylan's biting analysis and Kai's wry wit and remarkable humor on an all new episode of Film Don't Hurt. ENJOY!!! A couple notes: You can follow Dylan and Kai on Twitter: @manilovefilms @kaiderman * You can find the show on PodOmatic by clicking here. You can also subscribe or download for free on iTunes (for this first episode, it might take a few days to get on there). If you like the show, please leave us some feedback on iTunes. Please drop a comment, request an older episode or leave any feedback on the episode below or e