Film Don't Hurt




In the latest episode of FDH, Kai and Dylan discuss the future of the movie watching experience and discuss the hard hitting questions this brings up like... - Is theater dead? (So existential!) - How will we watch movies going forward in the 21st century? (VOD or Brain Implants?) - Will Spielberg's dark predictions for the future of movies come tru? (Prolly not.) - Does Spielberg make better films than George Lucas? (Yes, just ask him.) This and much more coupled with Dylan's biting analysis and Kai's wry wit and remarkable humor on an all new episode of Film Don't Hurt. ENJOY!!! *** We had some audio issues with this one towards the end. Our apologies to you... our fury to Skype! A couple notes: You can follow Dylan and Kai on Twitter: @manilovefilms @kaiderman * You can find the show on PodOmatic by clicking here. You can also subscribe or download for free on iTunes (for this first episode, it might take a few days to get on there). If you like the show, please leave us some feedback on iTunes. P