Film Don't Hurt




I don't know if we've made it clear enough, what with each of us hosting our own podcasts, but Kai and I both dig podcasting. Also, having started this site after becoming friends, we dig each other. So, it's only natural that we wanted to do a podcast together (again, especially after having started this site). Problem was, see the first sentence of this paragraph. Namely, neither of us was willing to ditch our first shows. That said, after a couple years, we've put together a plan (and a show) that lets us have our cake and eat it as well. Thus, FILM DON'T HURT is born. In this episode, we attempt to discuss the career of Adam Sandler. A polarizing figure in today's film community. Has Sandler gotten lazy and taken advantage of his place in life? Or is Sandler living the American dream by making silly comedies with all his best buds? Listen and find out what we think! A couple notes: * You can find the show on PodOmatic by clicking here. You can also subscribe or download for free on iTunes (for this fi