Vox Podcast With Mike Erre

417 - Center Set Sexuality - with Suzie P. Lind



Center Set Sexuality. Today, we talk with Pastor Suzie P. Lind about what a center set approach to sexuality might look like. What does healthy desire look like? How do we talk to our kids about sex? Why wait until marriage? What is God's ideal? Angel Story: -Gnosticism -Overspiritualized view of sex -Bounded approach to sex: Purity Culture -Led to purity codes -Taught us to fear sexual desire Animal Story: -Expressive Individualism -Underspiritualized view of sex -Fuzzy set approach to sex: Anything goes -Consent is only factor -Taught us to follow Sexual desire Human story: -Embodied Theology -Center Set approach to sex -Which leads to wisdom -Taught us to form sexual desire As always, we encourage and would love discussion as we pursue. Always feel free to email in questions to hello@voxpodcast.com, and to engage the conversation on Facebook and Instagram. We're on YouTube (if you're into that kinda thing): VOXOLOGY TV. Learn more about the Voxology Podcast Subscribe on iTunes or Spot