Minority Korner

MK279: Shame, Make Me A Drink! (History of Indian Boarding Schools, Saved By The Bell Reboot Review, Melissa McCarthy's Apology, Shame, Celebrating Debbie Allen, Who Can Play Queer or Straight Characters?)



It's a Maximum Fun crossover event with Renne Colvert of podcast Can I Pet Your Dog!  Does this make the show Can I Pet Your Korner?  Renee is just the person we need to brighten up our worlds and bring in the light as we kick off this holiday season and put 2020 to rest. Both Renee and James have finally checked out a bit of the Saved By the Bell Reboot-  it's better than it needs to be! Melissa McCarthy makes a costly mistake but shows HOW to come correct with an apology. On the heels of Kristen Stewart and Viggo Mortensen's comments about playing queer or straight characters, is it a slippery slope in not allowing straight actors to play queer characters? Does this pigeon hold queer actors in only getting to play queer roles? In the main korners, we continue to bear witness to the atrocious history and acts committed against Indigenous Peoples, as we examine the centuries-long practice of Indian Boarding Schools, and it might be time to rebrand and rethink Thanksgiving. Renee gives us the inspiration we ne