Minority Korner

MK273: Felicia is this You? (The Vow/NIXIM, Are Prisons Obsolete?, Decolonize Your Food, HBO's 537, The Election 2000, Elián González, Cult of Drumpf & QAnon)



We are going back to high school with James' old high school prom date Leah E. who's in the guest co-host chair,  and who coincidentally help coin the title of this very show back when "Minority Corner" was spelled with a "C". We talk about the HBO NIXIM documentary The Vow, and our personal connection to the cult, and James' near-miss with getting sucked into it, and how the doc has shown how Qanon and Agent Orange's following are they themselves: cults.  HBO is on a roll with its other documentary 537 about the 2000 Election showing the importance of voting and the shenanigans of Republicans. We sit down for the Minority Korner book club as James takes us through a deep dive into Angela Davis’ Are Prisons Obsolete? Hmmm ....  we will probably have an answer to the question the book proposes by episodes end. Then Leah aides us in our never-ending journey of decolonization this time turning our attention to our food!  Nothing is safe ya’ll we’ve been fed lies... literally.Leah E. (she/her) a digital marketer,