Minority Korner

MKEP42: James Misses Every Sex Show (DNC, Bernie Or Bust, #StrongerTogether, Matt Damon, Peep Shows, Dore Alley, Black Movements, Movement Politics, The Black Panther Movie, Shirley Chisholm)



We're back! In more ways than one. Nnekay and James are physically back in the same time zone, same space, and same park, that's right we're back in Dolores Park, will things get as crazy as last time? Nnekay explains the history of pigeons, and James tells his tales of cheep peep shows, and sexy fairs. In the issues korner Nnekay sheds light on other movements outside of #BlackLivesMatter, that's right there's other movements effecting change. James has a DNC news roundup! This year at the DNC we had a lot of 'firsts' as movements are having effects on our electorate and party system in more ways than you think. Also James calls out Bernie or Bust, which is big, because as you recall Minority Korner feels the burn! Quizlet Korner has a whole new set of rules as we talk about Matt Damon is everyone's savior, male body dysmorphia, and poisonous vagina. All on this weeks episode of Minority Korner!    http://www.colorlines.com/articles/why-its-dangerous-lump-all-black-activists-under-black-lives-matter-banner