Minority Korner

MKEP 31: No Math or Meth Allowed! (Beyonce Live in Concert, Eric Andre, Marvel vs. DC, Azealia Banks vs. Bette Midler, #FriscoFive, Major TV Networks Fall Seasons, Kelly Ripa, Remember the Time, Michael Jackson, Competitive Mens Tickling, Gentrification)



Several celebrity spotings! Nnekay with Beyonce, and it's an emotional experience, and James meets actor/comedian Eric Andre and they either become best friends or James royal offends him.  James is doing a giant segment called 'Who's Fucking it Up & Who's Doing it Right" it's Marvel vs. DC, Azealia Banks vs. Bette MiKdler, and the Major TV Networks against each other. And in this weeks Quizlet Korner did Italy legalize gay marriage? Is competitive men's tickling gay? Find out! Links! http://www.comingsoon.net/movies/news/686951-iron-man-3-villain-was-supposed-to-be-female-says-shane-black#/slide/1 http://www.comingsoon.net/movies/news/687021-harley-quinn-movie#/slide/1 http://www.vulture.com/2016/05/fox-upcoming-shows-trailers.html http://sfbayview.com/2016/04/hungry-for-justice-equipto-speaks-for-the-frisco-5-on-hunger-strike-to-demand-sfpd-chief-suhr-be-fired-or-mayor-lee-resign/
 http://hoodline.com/2016/05/frisco5-hunger-strike-ends-with-plans-for-general-strike-on-monday http://www.bbc.