Minority Korner

MKEP28: Fever Dreams of Michelle Obama (D.C., Nnekay's Bachelorette, Ghost In A Shell, Dr. Strange, Asian Hollywood White Washing, African Cartoons, GOP, Gay Lions, Martha Washington)



Nnekayy is potentially on her death bed with fever dreams of Michelle Obama. Is this entire episode just a dream of hers? James Olivia Pope'd it to D.C., and Nnekay survived her Bachelorette, though now she's on her death bed- so maybe she didn't. James tackles Hollywood White Washing: the Asian Edition- we're looking at you Dr.Strange, and Ghost in a Shell- and more! Nnekay has another list: This time of awesome African children cartoons. This weeks Quizlet has Nnekay guessing… the game itself! Is the GOP turning on itself with death threats to each other, are these lions gay? Are Jay-Z and Beyonce moving to the Bay Area? Let's Figure it out!!!!!   HOLLYWOOD WHITE WASHING: ASIAN EDITION http://www.latimes.com/entertainment/movies/la-et-mn-racial-erasure-essay-20160418-story.html http://www.complex.com/pop-culture/2016/04/scarlett-johansson-ghost-in-the-shell-tilda-swinton-doctor-strange-asian-roles-white-actors https://www.yahoo.com/style/six-japanese-actress-could-replace-161006119/photo-kimiko-glenn-14611