Minority Korner

MKE10: STAY WOKE! w/Special Guest Saturn (Bug A Boos, Target, Grand Juries, Slavery Museums, More Donald Trump, Janelle Monae, Matilda, Good Trolls, Even More Donald Trump)



Just like Janet Jackson said when her new track hit #1: Bitches need to stay woke! We have pop artist Saturn in the studio, and things are gonna get shady. James has a bug a boo.  Did you hear about the one about the Catholic priest, a bagel, and an ear? Target is going gender neutral with it's toys and bedding, and it's a sign of the Apocolaypse because people are FREAKING OUT! Good trolls! How to fuck up your kid the least. CA ain't got no love for grand juries, and which candidates are actually listening to #blacklivesmatter? John Jacob Jingleheimer Schmidt opened up a Slavery museum, how many slavery museums exist in the country? Also little Matilda is throwing some shade towards director Ronald Emmerich, Madonna has lost her mind, and Donald Trump is... still Donald Trump.  All this and more on our big ten episode!  SATURN: http://iamsaturn.com ARITICLES FOR REFERENCE: Target troll: http://www.huffingtonpost.com/entry/guy-impersonated-target-on-facebook_55ce8dece4b055a6dab07edc?mtxa8aor Hilarious New St