Minority Korner

MK E07: Chitty Shitty Gang Bang (Ant-Man, Michael Sam, Gay Black Superheroes, Femicidio, Miss USA, Rue from the Hunger Games, Kylie Jenner, Andy Cohen, Glasgow Pride, Sandra Bland)



There are two different movies called Girlhood, about young Black girls, and we're confused.  James has trouble pronouncing even more words and reveals his celebrity crush.  Buckle down because Femicidio is happening in both of our neighboring countries. But what does Miss USA and the treatment of Aboriginal women in Mexico have in common? (We're not sure they actually do, but some how they're in the same corner). One city has banned drag queens from a prideful celebration.  It's not the hunger games, but it is the twitter games, where a celebrity teen tweet feud is raging, and for some reason Andy Cohen has decided to butt his head into it, and in this case he should keep his drunk ass out. Teen sensation Amandal Stenberg is blowing us away with her wisdom around black culture, and what it means to appropriate the culture of others.  Listen up Kylie Jenner, we're talking to you. Plus yes... we're still talking about comic con but come on! A gay black superhero? Yes please! Sandra Bland has left us speechless