Minority Korner

MK Ep 1: The First! It'll Get Better ... (Rachel Dolezal, Orange Is the New Black, Insomnia, Internet Trolls, Summertime, The Hamburglar, Racism in LGBT Community)



It's the first episode of Minority Korner and no topic is safe. Meet Nnekay & James, and travel with them to many korners. Listen as James butchers Rachel Dolezals name, and Nnekay unloads on the 'Orange Is the New Black' Rolling Stones cover. Plus why can't James sleep, inertnet trolls, summertime Nnekay, the hamburglar, racism in the LGBT Community,  and more. Oh! and there's a quiz korner, and history time!    ARTICLE LINKS: Orange is the New Black Rolling Stone Cover: http://jezebel.com/rolling-stone-cover-honors-diverse-oitnb-cast-with-bral-1710131703 http://blackgirllonghair.com/2015/06/orange-is-the-new-black-cast-split-by-race-on-magazine-covers/ RACHEL DOLEZAL THE HAMBURGLAR  7 Reasons Why Reverse Racism Doesn't Exist: