Friends At The Table

PALISADE 23: An Impossible Ideal Pt. 2



This episode carries content warnings for body horror, discussion of mass destruction/death, small/tight spaces, indentured servants and slavery, torture, forced body modification, and extreme heat. The ball is in the air; water pours from the pitcher; the rope draws taut. The Blue Channel hides in the shadow of the Chimera’s Lantern, and everyone on board holds their breath. Inside the strange moon, the search for a new source of power—and thus, stability and freedom—for the Figure continues. It is a mission taken in the highest faith, possible only because its members believe utterly in Brnine, Phrygian, and Routine’s ability to infiltrate and dismantle the Stellar Combustor, one way or the other. Of course, they aren’t the only ones moving… And in between the gaps of the stars / We lay in the dark Dossier People Stargrave Elcessor (she/her): Leader of the Bilateral Interecession’s occupation of Palisade, assigned personally by Cynosure Whitestar-Kesh. As a Stargrave, she has been granted the means and “rig