Healing Outside The Box

HOTB 289: why are cancer rates increasing at younger ages?



There have been stories in the media recently about cancer rates increasing in younger people in this country.  That is also true in England, but not so much in Asian countries (where folks eat less processed meat and more plant-based foods). Among the 14 cancer types on the rise, eight are related to the digestive system. The recent news is based on a large study that makes the link between changes in our diet since 1990 and cancers of the digestive system. We certainly don't have any answers for sure, and I am not the go-to expert on this, but it certainly warrants a closer look. Before I get into the studies, I want to remind everyone that the Healthy Incentives program is happening at farmers markets throughout the country. It's a federal program that is very successful here in Massachusetts. But if you need advice on how to find out if you're eligible for $40 of free produce every month, just contact me on my website contact page, at Healing Outside the Box, and I can let you know how to find out if you