Creative Warriors

900: Jann Freed – Redefining Retirement with a Breadcrumb Legacy



I fully support our guest's perspective of retiring the term “retirement;” as Dr. Jann Freed aptly puts it, “We are not retiring from life, but moving on to something else.” In this episode, Jann and I explore the concept of “Breadcrumb Legacy” - a forward-thinking approach to leaving a meaningful impact. We discuss how legacy isn't just something at life's end, but a collection of intentional actions woven into the present. From the influence of Mr. Rogers to the power of silence, we uncover how focusing on relationships over achievements shapes a purposeful legacy. Whether approaching retirement or not, as self-employed business owners, we can all benefit from aligning our actions with our values. By doing so, we not only foster personal growth but also make a positive impact in both our business and personal lives.   As a former professor for decades, Dr. Jann decided to practice what she was teaching and preaching.  She says she is out to retire the word “retirement.” We are not retiring from life, but