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She Died And Was SHOCKED By Who She Met In Heaven – THIS Was His Message! (NDE) Anita Moorjani



Join us in this captivating YouTube interview as we delve into the extraordinary journey of Anita Moorjani, acclaimed author of 'Dying to Be Me.' Unveiling the profound insights from her near-death experience, Anita shares her remarkable encounter with her father on the other side, unraveling the layers of her newfound self-awareness and transformed perspective on life.   Discover how her remarkable journey not only reversed cancer but also instilled a powerful shift in how she navigates and thrives in the world today. Get ready to be inspired and enlightened by a tale of life, death, and profound self-discovery that will leave you rethinking the boundaries of existence. Watch as Anita Moorjani takes us on an unforgettable voyage 'beyond the veil'."    Anita Moorjani's Sanctuary:   Find out more from Anita Moorjani:    To find out more visit: - Order Michael Sandler's book, "AWE, the Automatic Writing Experience" www.automati