Greetings From Allentown

GFA Live #157: WWF Superstars 02-25-1989 (Mr. Perfect vs Red Rooster)



On this edition of GFA Live, Peter and Keithie talk about WWF Superstars from February 25, 1989! (and some other stuff, of course!) Topics of discussion include: * Count "Karen" Ted DiBiase picks up his Million Dollar belt and wears a cape * Hulk Hogan lights up the scoreboard in the "Man vs Brother" promo game * Steve Lombardi's education history * Thoughts on more matches unveiled for WrestleMania 5 * Why Tully Blanchard is remembered more as a tag guy after a great singles run * More fun with the history of Ronnie Garvin and Andre the Giant Lineup: - Mr. Perfect v. The Red Rooster - Whatever Happened There Update: More matches for WrestleMania 5 - Vignette: DiBiase receives his finished Million dollar Belt - The Ultimate Warrior v. Dusty Wolfe - Event Center Promo: Brain Busters w/Bobby Heenan - The Fabulous Rougeau Brothers v. Steve Stone & Ricky Ataki - Ronnie Garvin v. Iron Mike Sharpe - Promo: Randy Savage - Andre the Giant v. Tito Santana & Jim Powers - Brother Love Show: Demolition - Greg Valentin