
Episode 118 | Part 2: An electronic device you used for important work



#ielts #learnenglish Sign up for the FREE newsletter! Describe a time when you used an electronic device for some important work. You should say – what you did – when you did it – why you had to use your electronic device – and explain how you felt about this experience. I'd like to talk about a time when I used my laptop for an important task. About six months ago, I had to prepare a crucial presentation for my workplace. I work as a marketing manager in a multinational company, and this presentation was a key component of a pitch we were making to a potential client. I performed this task a day before the scheduled presentation. I remember it was a Sunday, and the presentation was to be held on Monday morning. I had known about the presentation for about a week in advance, but the busy nature of my job made it difficult to find time to work on the task. The reason I had to use my laptop was primarily for gathering data and creating visual aids. I relied heavily on my laptop to re