Keep It Weird

Dead Hair Don't Care



Hey Weirdos! Or should I say SEARDOS!?   Production schedules got a little wonky here at the end of September and I didn't want to leave you without an episode this Friday--  THE FIRST OF SEPTEMBER!  Which I think we can all officially, collectively agree is the EVE OF SPOOKY SEASON!!  I decided to rerelease an episode of Keep It Seared from 2021 because relistening to it made me laugh out loud and also it's HIGH TIME we hear Handsome Joe's voice on this podcast!  He's obviously had a very busy (and stressful) year between work and family and surgeries so we haven't gotten to hear him get angry in so long!  Well... I have... but you guys haven't! This week I share some interesting/strange/intriguing/lesser known facts with Joe and honestly... he keeps a pretty level head.  Dare I say I'm proud of him?   Check out the link below for photos and videos of my last weird item in the episode, and make sure you join us next week where we will have two VERY special guests join us for an hour of high strangeness.. ht