
While We Wait | Paul in Rome



As we move into this summer at Southview, we are in a season of transition: between what has been and what is yet to be. Each of us walks through seasons like this in our personal lives as well - times that can feel like “waiting places,” times that are “in-between.” One of the terms for these seasons of transition between one stage and the next is “Liminality.” So what do God’s people do in liminal times like these? How do we walk through "in-between" seasons in our lives? Because Scripture seems to shout that God does His best work in us while we wait. Join us on a journey through the Scriptures, discovering how our spiritual ancestors navigated liminal times, as we look to biblical truths for how we live in our own times of waiting. Digging Deeper Questions ► Check out our Weekly Viewpoint ► Find Us on Instagram ► Find Us on Facebook ►