
Teach Us To Pray | Praying for Blessing



Check out our Weekly Viewpoint ► Find Us on Instagram ► Find Us on Facebook ►   Polls show that most people in our society say they pray at least sometimes. However, they typically add, that doesn’t mean they’re religious. Most people today will say, “I’m spiritual and I want that spiritual connection, but I’m not religious.” Or, “I like to pray, I like the spiritual connection, but I’m not religious.”   The Bible has a different perspective, though, on “spirituality.” The Bible says that authentic spirituality is not just believing in God or even talking to God. In fact, authentic spirituality, according to the Bible, is not reaching out toward God and hoping he’s there. Authentic spirituality is responding to a living God who speaks and acts and who comes to you. That’s what the Bible says, and that’s what we want to consider and learn in this summer teaching series, as we seek to learn from t