Spanish Answers

Episode 90: Verbs with Built-In Prepositions



Have you ever noticed that some Spanish verbs don't need to be followed by a preposition, like they do in English? That's because the "preposition", if you will, is built into the verb's meaning. It's implied. For example, you don't say buscar para or buscar por. You just say buscar. Today we will look at 5 such verbs! Not to mention our Cultural Tip on Honduras, focusing on the country's national holidays. Let's begin!(I would like to apologize for being late. I honestly got my weeks mixed up and the kiddos weren't feeling good. Not sure how that happened, but this episode is pretty late. To make up for my mixed-up schedule, I'll also try to release another episode next week as well. That should get us back on track! [The audio is also a little off in this episode, so my apologies!])Remember, learning a language is a lifelong journey.¡Aprovéchalo, Disfrútalo y Compártelo!SHOW NOTES:©2023 by Language Answers, LLCBlog for Episode 90You can follow me on Facebook or Twitter!My free Spanish Language Resource Libr