Early Edition with Kate Hawkesby

Kate Hawkesby: Watch for the PR spin in response to the Government's bad publicity



In the corporate world, they call it avoiding death by a thousand cuts. It’s a smart marketing strategy and one I think the Government's currently employing. Get all your bad news out at once - more crudely referred to in some sectors as “flushing all the turds in one go”. When Steven Joyce wrote at the weekend about the wheels coming off this Government, he wasn’t wrong. Ramming through Three Waters, announcing a fanciful $15 billion light rail project, keeping Auckland locked down, butchering the MIQ messaging and changes. The wheels are well and truly off. And you’ll note, fronting all that bad news was Chris or Grant - anyone but Jacinda. That’s the other strategy of course - keep your most popular player away from bad news.  Save her for the good stuff. And here’s where the play is smart. The good stuff is coming. Matthew Hooton was the latest of many cynics to forecast a loosening of restrictions and an opening up - albeit an abandonment of the ambitious vaccine target - by November 29.  He said we coul