Early Edition with Kate Hawkesby

Sharon Chandra: Labour Bill to help protect survivors of domestic violence



A Bill stating marriages and civil unions should be allowed to be dissolved immediately in domestic violence situations has been submitted by a Labour list MP.Angie Warren-Clark said Labour was committed to protecting survivors of domestic violence and submitted her Family Proceedings (Dissolution for Family Violence) Amendment Bill to the members' bill ballot."The current law requires a couple to be separated for two years before a divorce can occur. This means people must remain married to the person that is abusing or has abused them, even if a protection order is in place," Warren-Clark said."This Bill allows a person to apply for an order dissolving a marriage or civil union if they have been the victim of family violence inflicted by the other party in the relationship."Many people are surprised that survivors of domestic violence are required to stay married to their abuser for two years before being able to finalise their divorce. This change is overdue and I'm calling on my parliamentary colleagues t