Sips, Suds, & Smokes

Guess what’s in the bottle this time



Guess what’s in the bottle this time@gordon_macphail @lastdropdist @LagavulinWhisky #whiskey #scotch #whisky #notallscotchisbadCo hosts : Made Man Maury, Good ol Boy Harmeet, Made Man Brent, Good ol Boy Justin, and Made Man BobSIPS  Episode – Great stuff from Gordon & MacPhail, Last Drop Distillers and Lagavulin. Brent requested to remove the zip ties while we enjoy Scotch again. Justin is our method voice actor for today and got completely lost on the wrong continent. Amazing story of G&M from a grocery store to one of the best bottlers available. Tasting potpourri is not the proper training technique. Caution as there is a preposition problem in this episode. This episode or portions of it predate Kojak. We taste and rate the following whisky from 1-5: 10:09 Gordon & MacPhail Discovery Series Glenrothes 11yr                                  3 SIPS15:30 Gordon & MacPhail Discovery Series Tormore 13yr                                  3 SIPS19:06 Gordon & MacPhail Distillery Labels Linkwood