Sips, Suds, & Smokes

I’ll have a Pils after the Doxology



I’ll have a Pils after the Doxology@MunkleBrewingCo #beer #charleston #roadkillCo hosts : Good ol Boy Dave, Good ol Boy Kendall, Good ol Boy Sparky, Rev. Mark, and Good ol Gal JulieannaSUDS  Episode – A brewery takeover from Munkle Brewing Company out of Charleston, SC. After consultation with the religious order, we obtained the rights to mow their lawn because they provide some great lawnmower beer in trade. The beer does taste better if you are wearing the Pope slippers while enjoying these beers. I like it based on the basis of liking it. We taste and rate the following beer from 1-5:  All Beer in this episode from Munkle Brewing Company, Charleston, SC9:02               Gully Washer Wit 5.2% ABV  made with 3 different types of citrus peel, chamomile and Indian coriander seeds. SUDS-314:17            Munk Pils 5.1% ABV  German Pilsner  SUDS-419:34            Brugge City Brune Belgian style brown ale brewed with Belgian dark candi syrup made from beet sugar  SUDS-324:50            Munk Light Belgian-style