Sacred Shamanic Pathways With Eddie Mullins

Are you setting intentions everyday?



The Eddie Mullins Podcast, September 6, Wednesday 12 p.m. PST and 3 p.m. EST.  "Setting heart intentions and experiencing the language of awareness in the world." Today's podcast is a conversation on setting heart intentions to shift energy and awareness for both your life and humanity with a deeper connection to the heart and soul. How to shift out of reacting and into intentions in daily life, for illuminating experiences for humanity. Also, a meditation with the movement of the heart spiral, to heal your body and a shared frequency with the earth.   Healing Session with Eddie, Animal Medicine Ceremony View  The Eddie Mullins Podcast, is a raw conversation about initiating in and through your true nature of the enlightened heart and soul. All of nature and presence is alive and that aliveness is inside of you. Eddie Mullins is a spiritual and shamanic teacher and  mentor of Soul Navigating. Soul Navigating Mentoring with Eddie View Eddie’s Website View