They Create Worlds

Microprose Part 2



TCW Podcast Episode 193 - Microprose Part 2   In part two of our look at Microprose we focus on the growth of the company with popular games like Gunship, and Sid Meier's Pirates. Wild Bill continued his aggressive push to expand the company moving into the UK market and even the coin-op space. This unfortunately led Sid to step back from the company and become a contractor. Wild Bill took the company public to help cover the costs of missteps but eventually became embroiled in his own troubles with pressure from the board. It was during a time when he was forced to step back from the company, and the release of problematic adventure and role-playing games led the company to be acquired by Spectrum Holobyte.   Silent Service: Gunship DOS: Gunship C64: Airborne Ranger: Rules of Wooden Ships and Iron Men: