International Christian Church Sermons

The conquest begins



This message is to bring our attention to three factors that are involved in our conquest and victory, as we move forward. As we move forward in Christian life, we are going to face many challenges but we must understand that we fight from victory, not just for victory. Joshua 6:1-5 Syrian preacher and martyr John Chrysostom (347-407) said that, and he was right; for the Christian life involves challenges and conflict whether we like it or not. Our enemies are constantly waging war against us and trying to keep us from claiming our inheritance in Jesus Christ. The world, the flesh, and the devil(Eph 2:1-3) are united against Christ and His people just as the nations in Canaan were united against Joshua and the Jewish nation. But let me encourage you today that there is no crown without the Conflict. There is no victory without a war.