Sawmill Business Podcast

Unlocking the Potential of Woodworking: The Power of Leverage



“Imagine if you literally had to hand sand, your, every piece of furniture, right, that would take you forever. Or you can use an orbital sander that gives you more leverage there” - Steve Larosiliere Welcome to the Woodpreneur podcast, Woodworking is a craft that has been cherished for centuries, producing beautiful and functional pieces of art. As a woodworking enthusiast or professional, you're no stranger to the hours of hard work and dedication that go into each project. But have you ever stopped to think about the concept of leverage and how it can transform your woodworking business? In this podcast, we'll delve into the world of leverage and how it can take your woodworking endeavors to new heights. Listen now and get the whole story! “what we do for folks like you is that what we do is that we hire and train a virtual assistant that you pay five to $7 an hour, and you put them and we placed them in your business, so that they can oversee your online advertising, they can oversee and post for you