The Smart Passive Income Online Business And Blogging Podcast

SPI 507: The Formula for Launching a Product with Jeff Walker



#507 Maybe you've heard the name Jeff Walker. Even if you haven't, you've probably heard of something called the Product Launch Formula (PLF). If you've been in business online for any number of years, PLF has become the staple way that people launch their products online. It's also referred to as the “three-video series formula” for pre-launching a product of any kind: a service, a physical product, digital product, online course, training—you get the picture. PLF has become ingrained in the world of internet marketing and online business, and today, we're talking with the man himself, the legend, Jeff Walker. Jeff "launched" his book Launch in 2014, and it went on to become a New York Times bestseller. He recently came out with a new, revised version of the book that updates the PLF formula to cover how to launch products in today's world, with shorter attention spans and shorter sales cycles. This is Jeff's first time on the show, and he's going to share with us his framework for launching a product online