The Essential Oil Revolution | Essential Oils, Aromatherapy, And Healthy Living By Samantha Lee Wright |powered By Revolution

379: Merging Traditional and Modern Medicine for Pain Relief with Dr. Eugene Zamperion, ND, MH, RH (AHG)



Chronic pain impacts about 20% of the population and high impact pain about 8%. It’s something we need to acknowledge and become empowered with tools to support us. If you don’t have pain yourself, you know someone who is struggling with it on a daily basis. In this episode we will dive deep into some of the causes of pain, autoimmunity and arthritis, some of the most effective herbs and essential oils for pain, how they work and more.  Dr. Eugene Zampieron, ND., also known as Dr. Z, is a Doctor of Naturopathic Medicine, licensed by the board of Naturopathic Medical Examiners in Connecticut as a Naturopathic Physician. Dr. Z is an authority in the Naturopathy field, nationally recognized for his radio programs on Health and Alternative Medicine, his best-selling books, his international “ EcoTours for Cures ™ “, his lectures and seminars, and also for his classes at the former University of Bridgeport College of Naturopathic Medicine. He also has expertise in traditional Chinese Medicine and is a registered