The Essential Oil Revolution | Essential Oils, Aromatherapy, And Healthy Living By Samantha Lee Wright |powered By Revolution

376: Float & Sensory Deprivation Therapy and Essential Oils w/ Max Casa



Imagine a space where you are absolutely void of outside stimuli.  I’m sure, like me, you assume it could be a great benefit to mindfulness and even spirituality. These spaces exist! They’re called float tanks or sensory deprivation chambers, and the benefits go far beyond just effects on the brain. Eliminating external stimuli in float tanks promotes muscle relaxation, relieves tension, and reduces chronic pain, leading to stress reduction and deep relaxation. They’re a great way to optimize blood circulation, reduce inflammation, and enhance sleep quality.  On today’s show I share my own personal experience with float tanks, and hear from float expert Max Casa.  We discuss the benefits of both floating with zero stimuli, as well as the benefits of incorporating essential oils into your tank time.   See full show notes for this episode HERE. Leave us a review while you’re there. Learn more about Max Casa at Connect on Instagram at Lookin’ for some podcast goodies? I’ve got y