Liquid Church

2 Things Every Family Needs | Parenting In The 21st Century Part 1



Regardless of what kind of family you grew up in or find yourself in now, a fresh start is possible and you are not doomed to make the same mistakes your parents did. So, what are the TWO things that every family needs? Love AND Discipline. Together, these two ingredients will help families flourish. And there’s a reason for that. They are the twin qualities of the heart of God Himself! The goal of loving discipline is that when kids break your trust, they repair the relationship. It’s not a punishment for breaking the rules. It’s about fighting to repair damaged relationships. Loving discipline makes a child better. Punishment rarely makes a kid better, but it often makes them bitter! So, what’s your parenting style? Do you lean toward being permissive and all about love? Or do you lean toward perfectionism and discipline? Typically, we’re biased based on what was modeled to us.  Watch this message from Pastor Tim and ask yourself: What gifts did your parents give that you want to keep?  What mistakes did th