Little Known Facts With Ilana Levine

Episode 117 - Alexandra Styron



Many years ago I was hosting a Broadway event to engage and inspire younger voters to get involved in politics. One person after another told me that I needed to meet their friend Al Styron. They were pretty clear that she was  someone who knew all the players I would need to make this event a success. They were right. Having been raised in a politically active household as the daughter of author William Styron ( Sophie's Choice) and poet/activist Rose Styron ( Amnesty International), Al did in fact know everyone. What I hadn't been warned about was that she was one of the smartest, funniest and kindest people I would ever know and so unbeknownst to me  I was about to meet a lifelong friend and confidante. So here she is. My best friend, best selling author and activist- Alexandra Styron in conversation about her new book "Steal This Country"  where she offers us insights into what we can all do to feel like active, impactful and engaged citizens. ALEXANDRA STYRON is the author of Reading My Father and a nove