Beyond The To-do List

John Michael Morgan on Mindset, Self-Sabotage and the Grind



John Michael Morgan is the bestselling author of Brand Against The Machine, which spent 9 months atop Amazon’s Top-Rated Marketing books list and has been labeled “the new definition of branding”. John is an in-demand public speaker on the topics of leadership, achievement, and marketing. He has spoke across the world at business conferences, associations and organizations, as well as churches and universities. John began studying the topics of personal development and achievement when he was a teenager as a way of overcoming a battle with depression. Since then, he has started 3 successful businesses both online and offline and is now on a mission to equip 10 million leaders with the strategies they need to achieve success. Please connect with me Subscribe, rate, and review in iTunes Follow @ErikJFisher Check out more Network shows The Audacity to Podcast: "How-to" podcast about podcasting Beyond the To-Do List: Personal and professional productivity The Productive Woman: Productivity for bu