Brew Theology Podcast

Episode 186 - The Rise of Torah - Live Event with Dr. Mark George and Dr. Pam Eisenbaum - Part 2



The BREW THEOLOGY Force Awakens (Part 2). May The 4th Be With You… get ready for this special Live Podcast event! Featuring The George Strikes Back! Attack of the Eisenbaum! & Return of the Ry-Guy to the Mile High! This is The Way to a galactic podcast packed with hyperspace theology, laser sharp theologians, rebellious questions, dark-sided brews, and party favors - unofficially - endorsed by Ewoks (Laugh if up, fuzzball! Cuz we partied, Endor-style!) The force is strong with these two star theologians, Mark & Pam. A long time ago in the Ancient Near East far, far away… There was the Rise of The Torah! We all know words carry weight like holding a lightsaber! Writing was a pretty new technology for the writers of Deuteronomy (5th book in the Jewish Torah), something they used for purposes beyond royal bureaucratic purposes. What’s interesting about this technology, among other things, is that individuals and communities came to use it as authoritative, that is, as something to be consulted because it