Highlights The Malliard Report

Cryptids and Censorship: A Journey through the Facebook Wilderness and the Mothman Phenomenon



Dive into a riveting conversation on this episode of The Malliard Report with Jim Malliard, featuring guests William Pullin and Nick Redfern. This episode delves into the intricate web of social media regulations, spotlighting the challenges faced by researchers when sharing their thoughts on platforms like Twitter and Blogger. This exploration promises to be more exhilarating than you'd imagine. The discussion takes an intriguing turn as Nick Redfern joins us to share tales of the mysterious Mothman and similar cryptid sightings. Travel back to the 60s, to Point Pleasant, West Virginia, the hotbed of Mothman sightings, and delve into the eerie prophecies that ensued. Redfern's tales of cryptid birds and flying humanoid phenomena in Texas and California will captivate your imagination. If you're intrigued by the potential existence of colonies of winged humanoid creatures, you’re in for a fascinating discussion. The excitement doesn't end there. William Pullin drops in to discuss his latest book and his cap