Element Christian Church

Forgive Week 10: Living Forgiving Others



When someone wrongs us, Jesus says we must “pay attention to ourselves” and be aware of our own tendency toward resentment and unforgiveness. The Gospel challenges us in that we must identify with the wrongdoer as a fellow sinner in need of grace. Forgiveness means we inwardly pay the debt of the wrongdoer ourselves instead of seeking revenge; this is a reflection of what Jesus has done for us through the cross. Complete, Biblical forgiveness is willing the good of the wrongdoer as we seek their restoration. One assumption that informs this is that evil is separate from the person who has committed evil. We see in Scripture how God works redemptively in places of evil and brokenness to bring about good. Reflecting on Christ’s sacrificial love humbles us out of pride, affirms us out of inferiority, and inspires us to forgive. When we understand the costliness of grace, it transforms our hearts to be more forgiving. WATCH FULL SERVICE ON YOUTUBE DOWNLOAD PDF SERMON NOTES HERE