Brew Theology Podcast

Episode 29: "Living Buddha, Living Christ" with Liz Wolfert



In episode 29 of the Brew Theology Podcast Dillon, Kelly and Ryan sit down with our good friend and fellow pub theologian, "American Buddhist," Liz Wolfert, to chat about the comparisons between Buddhism and Christianity (check out "American Buddha" on episode 28.), channeling Thich Nhat Hahn's book, "Living Buddhah, Living Christ." If you are a fan of this episode and other Brew Theology shows, give this episode a nice 'lil share on the interwebs, rate Brew Theology on iTunes and give BT a brewtastic review! Want to come to an upcoming Brew Theology event? We are hosting Homebrewed Christianity's Tripp Fuller and philosopher Peter Rollins in Denver on August 18-19. Head over to to get info and tix. /// Follow Brew Theology on Facebook & Instagram (@brewtheology) & Twitter (@brew_theology). Head over to the Brew Theology website, to become a local partner, sponsor or contributor. Questions & inquiries about Brew Theology, the alliance/network, contact