The Cam Roberts Business Marketing Podcast

Ep: 166 The Power of Price Elasticity



The Power of Price Elasticity – The little known marketing strategy to beat all marketing strategies. Listen to the latest tips, tools, and strategies for Business, Success, and Marketing… on the Cam Roberts Podcast Show. Search for “Cam Roberts Podcast Show” on the web, Itunes Podcasts or Spotify. Episode 166 The Power of Price Elasticity – The little known marketing strategy to beat all marketing strategies. #ondeckwithcam Podcast Time 11.12min in Total. Key Podcast Episode Show Notes: * What is Price Elasticity and why it beats all other marketing strategies * Examples of when to use Price Elasticity * Why Higher Prices are good for both you and your customers * How Pricing attracts your ideal clients and customers while repelling others who are not a good fit. * Why you must rise your prices to scale your business Here are three ways to get started... 1. Get instant access to my latest eBook "5 Steps To Making Big Money With Your Personal Brand which includes a 5-Day course on winning High Ticket client