The Cam Roberts Business Marketing Podcast

Ep: 142 Non-Stop Clients On LinkedIn with Mark Firth



Listen to the latest tips, tools, and strategies for Business, Success, and Marketing… on the Cam Roberts Podcast Show. Search for “Cam Roberts Podcast Show” on Itunes. Ep: 142 Expert Podcast Interview with Mark Firth #ondeckwithcam Podcast Time 20:25 min in Total. Listen now or Download using the links above. In today’s podcast episode Cam interviews a Leading Linkedin Expert on “How To Get Non-Stop New Clients on LinkedIn” Mark Firth is the CEO founder of the Linkedprenuers. After spending 15 years in B2B sales working for companies like IBM, Siemens, and start-ups, he started his own company to help professionals who sell to other business owners, acquire more clients using LinkedIn. His mission is to make sure business owners know exactly where their next client is coming from, that they have a B2B sales and marketing system based around LinkedIn that will consistently and predictable produce new qualified and interested prospects and then a system that allows them to easily convert new clients. Mark live