Ride Bikes Radio

Ride Bikes Radio 27: Oprah Doesn't Ride Bikes



We are back, finally, with a new show for you fine ladies and gentlemen. It's been pretty hectic over here, hence the delay. Starting off with a look at the Strava club, which is a very strong group! To make the top 10, you need to be riding over 115 miles per week! HOLY CATS!!! Plus, Brian tells us about his upcoming crazy rides. He is going to ride the STP in 1 day (!!!) and the RSVP. If you are planning on riding either of these, be sure to let us know, Brian will need someone to share the crazy with! An update on where you guys are coming from to listen to the show and I'm proud to say, now that we have completed our first lap around the sun, we are, officially, world famous! Thank you! We finish with Brian giving us some tips on changing a tire because I really suck at it, getting schooled by dudes on recumbant bikes and a beer update. We will be back on schedule. Again, thank you for your patience!