Rocky Mountain Fiction Writers

Capturing The Elusive Voice With Callie Stoker



In fourth grade Callie read The Indian in the Cupboard. The idea of a boy’s toy coming alive in a magic cupboard grabbed a hold of her imagination and never let go. The addiction only increased as she read Roald Dahl, Lloyd Alexander, Madeleine L’Engle, and the Redwall series. In sixth grade her teacher took away Jane Eyre because it was distracting Callie from her work. In all her reading, one question has always fascinated her. Why do some stories with great ideas fall flat? For the past decade, Callie has honed her skills by studying the craft of writing and defining the elements that make a story work. She can read any story, any rocky first draft, and provide the first aid it needs to make your manuscript resonate in the minds of your readers. Callie is also a mother of four. She is a singer and theater buff, she has spent a lot of time on the stage and behind the curtain as a music director and costumer. She loves good stories told on television and is a big fan of many. She’s also the founder of The Ma