Nature Podcast

This isn't the Nature Podcast — how deepfakes are distorting reality



In this episode:00:45 How to tackle AI deepfakesIt has long been possible to create deceptive images, videos or audio to entertain or mislead audiences. Now, with the rise of AI technologies, such manipulations have become easier than ever. These deepfakes can spread misinformation, defraud people, and damage economies. To tackle this, researchers and companies are developing tools to find and label deepfakes, in an attempt to rob them of their potential to wreak havoc.News Feature: How to stop AI deepfakes from sinking society — and science11:17 Research HighlightsUltra-accurate measurement of Earth’s day-length using lasers, and the insect that amputates its own legs to survive the cold.Research Highlight: How lasers detect day-length changes of a few millisecondsResearch Highlight: Snow-loving flies amputate their own legs for survival14:04 Stacked timbers might be evidence of ancient woodworkingAncient stone tools are well preserved in the archeological record, and are used by researchers to understand th