Nothing Off Limits

Natalie Vartanian On Owning Her Sexuality and Exploring Polyamory



Today I welcome a podcast colleague, friend, relationship advisor/coach and personal tarot interpreter Natalie Vartanian. After appearing on Natalie’s new podcast Taboo and Turn On, I wanted to return the favor and feature her as a guest on NOL. We threw around some possible topics to discuss, and we decided on a hot one for Natalie, i.e. owning your sexuality and giving yourself the freedom to explore it. Personally, exploring her sexuality has led her to polyamory, which she explains in the show. We discuss what it means to own your sexuality, some myths associated with expressing it (especially as a woman), why polyamory is good for some people but not for others, and a lot more. Natalie is a certified life coach, relationship expert, business strategist, writer, and speaker/teacher. Her mission is to inspire people to dream big and take the risks to have it all and live a turned on life. She has worked with women from across 5 continents to help them get the sex lives and the relationships they want, in